It is time to register kindergarten and new 1 st grade students for the 2024-
2025 school year! Beginning on January 13, 2024, Ridgewood residents can register their students online by completing the registration process. Registration should be completed by February 13, 2024.
Age Requirement for Kindergarten: It is the School Board's policy to admit to kindergarten in September of each year students who will be five years of age on or before October 1. The registration drive will close on February 13, 2024. For planning purposes, please register during this time.
Please visit our website for a direct link to the New Student Registration and guide for parents, as well as residency requirements, and downloadable forms. If you do not have access to the internet or a computer, call the Education Center, 49 Cottage Place, at 201-670-2700 x10547 to schedule a time to use a district computer. The Ridgewood Public Library also has computers for public use.
Once you have completed the online registration process, you must also complete and upload several required documents. Once both steps are completed, you will be contacted by the school if additional information is needed. If you are unable to upload the required forms, you may drop off hard copies of the documents at your student's assigned school during school hours only (no originals, please). Place all completed forms in a single envelope labeled Kindergarten Registration. Medical forms must be returned to the school before June 1, 2024.
If your student has experienced significant difficulties in learning that may affect his or her success in kindergarten, contact the Office of Special Programs at the Education Center (201-670-2700 x10505) to begin pre-kindergarten planning.
At each elementary school, an orientation meeting will be scheduled for parents/guardians to learn about our schools’ existing programs. Principals will send orientation information in the spring, along with a questionnaire regarding your student's academic, social, and emotional readiness for kindergarten.
We are glad that your student is joining us, and we look forward to partnering with you in the learning process. We wish your student success and an enriching school experience.